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Call for abstracts

     We are delighted to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 4th Conference of SIGN 2024 (Society for Image-Guided Neurointerventions), a highly interdisciplinary event bringing together prominent contributors from a wide range of fields crucial to advancing neurointerventions, including clinical medicine, basic science, engineering and computing.

     Our goal is to break down silos and transcend boundaries that often separate us in our respective fields. Although the conference has a neurointerventional focus, we welcome submissions and attendance from clinicians and scientists across all related disciplines. Neurointerventions encompass a broad spectrum, including molecular aspects of modulation and modification of the central nervous system in physiological and pathological states.


Important Deadlines:

Abstract Submissions Deadline: September 30, 2023

Notification for Invited Talk Selections: October 15, 2023

Notification for Gullapalli Young Investigator Awards: Announced during the awarding ceremony among participants.

     We are proud to have secured outstanding speakers and panelists for the program. Additionally, we have reserved up to 10 slots for the best scoring abstracts to be converted into Invited Talks. To be considered as a speaker for the main program, please indicate your interest marking appropriate field in the abstract submission form.


   Gullapalli Young Investigator Awards: Awards are open to all young investigators who meet the specified criteria (see below at and have submitted abstracts. These awards have been established in memory of Dr. Rao Gullapalli, a great leader and mentor who made significant contributions to various fields including Radiology, image guided interventions and TBI, among others. Dr. Gullapalli who recently served as a Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA, was avidly involved in organizing SIGN 2024 in Hyderabad. His untimely passing during his dedicated work deeply impacted us, and it is important for us to recognize his contributions to the mission of SIGN. This year, we will be presenting six Gullapalli Young Investigator Awards. To be considered for these prestigious awards, please mark your interest in the abstract submission form and ensure that you meet the specified criteria.


Join us at the SIGN 2024 Conference for an exciting and collaborative exploration of the latest advances in neurointerventions!


Abstract submission guidelines
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.

  • Do not include the name or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.

  • Recommended subsections included in the abstracts: Objectives and Hypothesis, Methods, Findings, and Conclusions.

  • We accept jpg and pdf file for figure upload.

  • The submitted abstracts will be evaluated and scored by experts. Acceptance letters will be sent by email.

  • Presenters who meet eligibility criteria are encouraged to compete for Gullapalli Young Investigator Award (see below).

  • In addition, we will give out a number of travel awards based on merit reflected by a score pending availability of funds.

Gullapalli Young Investigator Award Eligibility Criteria
  • Candidates must be in training or have completed training no more than seven years ago. Training is defined as any post-graduate training (medical science, engineering, computing, basic science).

  • Candidates may be from any country.

  • Candidates may be from any field of research or clinical practice.

  • Candidates must submit an abstract as the first author to the SIGN Annual Conference.

  • Candidates must have primarily conducted the research presented in the abstract.

  • Awardees may be asked to write a brief report after the Conference and to complete a short post-meeting evaluation.

  • Awardee must available at the award receiving ceremony.

  • At least 6 prizes, each 1000 USD will be awarded.

© 2018-19 by Society for Image-Guided Neurointerventions 

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